
Final Reflection

Wow! Whatta class. Pretty much this class was super random. Pretty much we got a challenge and we had to complete it with out much direction. I liked it for the most part. I suppose I would recommend this class to a friend if they knew nothing about the computer. Almost everything was touch button editing so it was fairly easy to figure out although I did learn a few new things. My favorite assignment was the photo essay. My least favorite assignment was the movie because mine turned out like crap. I kinda wish I put more thought into it but oh well. I think it would be cool to get into graphic design a little bit but that is okay that we didn't. I didn't like blogging and commenting either. Connecting with other bloggers was a major fail. No body linked with mine. Overall I'd say this was a pretty good class. I liked most of it. The biggest improvement that could be made though is people should bring more food.

1 comment:

  1. I know, right? This class was pretty random. Mr. A didn't really have any plan for what assignments we were going to do this school year. But that's what made the class more exciting!
